Sunday, July 15, 2012


Over the past few weeks we've been thinking about RecipeBox and trying to nail down what exactly it is that we want out of the project.

Admittedly, a main goal of RecipeBox is to learn. Learn how to create a product that is quality and that people will use. Learn how to market that product and build a following of people who are interested because of the benefits that product provides them. Learn how to do something useful and convince people of its usefulness.

So how do we do that? We're not sure, but at this point we believe the biggest obstacle for RecipeBox is its high barrier to entry. Typing on phones is no fun. Copying recipes you already have someplace else is no fun.

To that end, we hope to roll out a (very basic) online recipe creation tool in the next few weeks. This will allow you to create a recipe on your computer and easily transfer it to your phone. From there, we hope to expand the site to allow syncing recipes between the site and your phone, user accounts and online recipe backup, and increased an increased social, collaborative, community aspect to the project.

Everyone has to eat. Eating is a social activity. Eating together strengthens relationships and forges bonds. What if we could extend that and make cooking a community activity? People need to eat. People crave connection with others. Sounds like a good combination to us.


  1. Any plans on adding a meal planning option? I currently use app for this but RecipeBox is nice and starting up and I'm afraid if I don't ask for this now, then it will never get added.

    1. What sort of features would you like as far as meal planning? We are always open to suggestions
